Hi - I'm Michael.  I've been with and in the Church of God, as a co-worker and a member, for over 30 years.

I first heard about the Church through
The World Tomorrow radio broadcast "by accident" back in 1970, when I was 17, while trying to find some rock-and-roll music on the radio. 

I grew up in a rural family which consisted of my parents and seven siblings -- 4 brothers and 3 sisters.  My religious upbringing was traditional Protestant, so when I heard  Garner Ted's commentary, it caught my interest and I stopped to listen...

I did not know, at the age of 17, how much my life would change.  All I knew then, was that this "radio program" that I had found,was talking about God, heaven, and hell in a way that I had never heard before -- but sounded very interesting, and made sense.  My interest in the broadcast was instant, as I began to experience the initial excitement of God's calling me into the Church of God.

What I didn't know, but would soon come to learn, is that my homosexual orientation -- and my calling into the Church -- were on a collision course that would result in a personal and excruciating struggle to become a part of the Church of God.

The articles that follow are about the "human side" of homosexuality, and a Christian's struggle to live faithful to the teachings of the Church of God.

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PSALM 8:3--6

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?

You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.  You made him ruler over the works of your hands; and you put everything under his feet.

My Favorite Links:
United Church of God-IA
The Journal: News of the Churches of God